A weekend of music, art and celebration is food for the soul. Whether you are heading to Burning Man, Beloved, the Grand Canyon or any weekend music and road trip, I'd like to share a few skin + beauty hacks from thousands of miles of experience!
I love a road trip, know my way around the Mojave Desert, the Emerald Triangle, the High Sierras, Blue Ridge and points between and far. I have spent many nights asleep in the deepest chasms, road sides, crappy motels, high-end resorts, back of my car, tents, rafts and sand bars. These #beautyhacks aren't just Pinterest-style advice. This is the real deal.
The road, desert and campground can be really tough on your skin and well-being if you don't prepare. Skincare routines you rely on in more forgiving climates can easily cause your skin to shrivel up into a parched, malnourished dullness that does not whatsoever represent your shining soul.
So let's get a few pieces in place.
First off, it HAS to be easy: You are on a road or river trip. You get a tiny bag to stash your beauty goodies into, and, you should never have to be the person who has to turn down a chance for an adventurous rendezvous because you are sun-burned or feel lackluster.
Second, it HAS to matter. You may have paid a pretty penny for that fancy sounding serum, but the fancy marketing budget and packaging will not shield your skin from real environmental harshness.
Third, it HAS to have good vibes. I know this sounds odd, but when you are sitting under moonlight, away from billboards and regular bathrooms, whatever you are using needs to feel good. Your soul needs to feel a connection to wanting to use it. If you totally get this sentence, then you get it. If you don't, then it is possible you haven't used products with good vibes yet (we can change that!).
Here is my list of must-haves, nice-to-have and icing-on-the-cake items for any summer adventure. I am writing this from perspective of a road-trip which means you may be car-camping, may run out of gas, have a few great outfits to rock or one, and may even be playing with some blue eyeliner to go with the day's artist line-up. A prior post went into more ddept for multi-day river trips. This one is more for the quick concert weekend.
You will have a full day out in the sun. You will get lost in wonderful vortexes of fun. You will dance like everyone's watching. And you will only carry a small bag. So start out right.
-Do not use any products containing acids, citrus oils or benzoyl peroxide. These ingredients cause sun sensitivity and that is the last thing you need.
Keep your AM routine chill. Shower, because it feels nice, if you have access. In the shower, let some Raw Honey sit on your face while you shave using a gentle product that doesn't strip your skin; deep condition your hair, scrub your feet (knowing they will get dirty again really quick). Really prep yourself before you head out. Consider throwing your hair in a braid first day, and have a scarf ready for day 2 and 3.
If you are car/tent-camping: Carry 2 washcloths for every day you will be camping. In the AM, get a clean washcloth moist (obviously you have packed enough water), spray it down with some witch-hazel or sake, and use it to do a full-body clean-up.
Pat dry and spritz head-to-toe.
Next- PROTECT! That drugstore lotion you've been slathering on your body is doing very little for your long-term swagger. Hopefully you have some Skin + Sky Daily Body Serum handy. This is the ONLY product of it's kind on the market.
It contains the highest concentration of Vitamin C, Strawberry Seed Oil and Tea Extracts ever used in a skincare product; all ingredients which protect your skin from the harshest climates. There are a few similarly marketed products out there, aimed primarily for your face (Which makes no sense. Why wouldn't you take care of your whole self?). But, most of the ones I've seen in my Instagram roll are in clear bottles (Vit. C + Strawberry Oil are VERY light sensitive) or contain tiny amounts of the ingredients which makes for good profit, bad skincare.
Ideally, slather yourself with Skin + Sky Body Serum, head-to-toe if you can. Yes, even face. (I do not say this lightly. I created this product with these experiences in mind.)
Follow up with a light pat of Emu Oil on my face, neck, chest. I know this is complicated because of the animal origin. I know the source and like the inflammation-reducing effects. Then I apply make-up. Rosehip Seed Oil would be a great option.
For your face, apply a foundation such as Vapour. You want something that looks like skin, doesn't cake when the sun hits it, and isn't going to cause damage due to ingredients. I'm sorry my MAC ladies. I love MAC for a night out. It is not a good idea on the open road.
Look though the ingredients in your make-up. Be careful with formulas which contain photosensitizing ingredients. Some of the most "natural" brands are full of UV-sensitive ingredients. Keep it simple.
SUNSCREEN: I have a really hard time with sunscreen, and still haven't made up my mind. I tend to look for cool hats, flowy long sleeves (cool-girl shirts. not lame ones) and scarves. I do carry a mineral powder and big fluffy brush to re-apply throughout the day. I am ok with a mineral powder. It is crushed up rocks which means I am creating shade This I can wrap my head around. Chemical sunscreens or complicated formulas? They make me cringe. I will leave that up to your best judgement, while suggesting you think it through, be sun smart not sun scared.
This is really important. You have limited space, you may have a buzz on but you still want to keep yourself on point. Here's what to carry regardless of where your adventures take you...
-Distilled Water Spritz. You will want this. You will want the feeling of moisture and refreshment. If you don't have this and find the SSB pop-up, ask for some. We have your back.
-Another small spray bottle with sake or witch hazel- I use this to disinfect after a bunch of high-fives and to clean up grit + grime.
-SSB Antiox Body Serum in a small size: Keep your skin glowing, fragrant and protected.
-Mineral Powder and Brush: If you feel the pull to it, use it on face, chest, arms, tops of hands
-Small Toothbrush + Toothpaste: You will thank me when you need to do a gas-station refresh and this is stashed in your bag.
-Eyeliner, Lipgloss: With these two items you can refresh your cheeks, lips and eyes. It is really all you need.
-5 Bobby Pins: If your hair goes cray-cray, 5 bobby pins is usually what you need to create a new look.
(Or Sunrise, depending how good the music is)
Oh, you can barely wait to feel clean or you're tempted to ignore it all and crash. This simple plan, which you can do with your pursestashs, will make all the difference. Use some oil or SSB serum to remove makeup/grime. Wipe with a cotton pad or corner of your tshirt. Do a second wipe with the sake/witch hazel. Thing about face, neck, arms, chest, hands. If possible, get a piece of cloth wet and wipe off feet. Then apply CELLULAR LUMINOSITY OVERNIGHT AGE-DEFYING BODY CREME to as much of yourself as you can. Definitely anywhere that was exposed during the day.
This takes less than 5 minutes, and will make such a difference tomorrow.
Drink some water. Think about where your keys, credit card, phone are. Are all your friends safe? If you have socks with you, put them on to nourish your feet. Then get some sleep.
Keep your water bottle close, take orangesanda watermelon with you and don't eat too much crap.
Festival weekends can either leave you replenished or haggard. The difference is what self-care you commit to.
So get out there. Have a good time. BRING YOUR OWN CUP. Don'tbe lame about trash. Plan ahead for a few essentials and enjoy yourself.
Then tell us about it!
xo, mpp